Feb 23, 2018
January Book Haul | 2018
Here are all the books that I accumulated over the course of January: One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake (Barnes and Noble Exclusive...

Dec 24, 2017
Review | The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Holly Black is a genius. The Cruel Prince is a fairy masterpiece. I easily got lost in Holly Black's lush whimsical world. I didn't

Dec 12, 2017
2017 | November Book Haul!
Today I'm going to go through all the books I hauled over the course of November. I picked up some really great new releases and I got s

Dec 2, 2017
2017 | December TBR
Since I've had the worst time when it comes to reading lately; I really want to try and get back into the swing of things and do as much