Jul 22, 2019
Hi guys! I know it's been a while since my last post but, I decided to take a short hiatus and work on upcoming content. I thought it be

Apr 4, 2019
April-June 2019 | Quarterly TBR
There are twelve books on my to read list for this quarter. The first six are books that I own in a physical format and have had since befor

Jan 18, 2019
January-March 2019 | Quarterly TBR
This year I've decided to change up the way I do my TBR lists. In the past I've not had the best success rates using them, and I thi

Nov 18, 2018
Books I'm Currently Reading | November 2018
Hey guys! I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately, but I just didn't feel inspired to write or create anything on here for a while an

Oct 14, 2018
🦇👻 Spookathon 2018 TBR! 👻🦇
Hey guys! I hope you're all doing well! Today I'm going to be going through the books I have on my spookathon tbr for 2018. If you&#

Oct 2, 2018
October TBR 2018
I'm not usually one for any type of spooky or scary in books. In the past I've just not found it to be a genre of books that I'v

Oct 1, 2018
September Wrap Up | 2018
I read a total of eight books in September. I didn't have the best reading month ever, however I have been busy working on other things

Aug 31, 2018
September TBR | 2018
Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a lovely day! Today I'm going to be going over my tbr plans for September. To start off I'm hopin