Jul 30, 2018
YALC + LFCC Round Up and Haul! | 2018
I'm a pretty avid convention goer, but up until now I'd never been to London Film and Comic Con (LFCC) or the Young Adult Literature

Feb 23, 2018
January Book Haul | 2018
Here are all the books that I accumulated over the course of January: One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake (Barnes and Noble Exclusive...

Jan 29, 2018
December Book Haul | 2017
(I know this is a bit later than usual but I hope you enjoy reading anyway.) Over the course of December I acquired quite a lot of new books

Dec 12, 2017
2017 | November Book Haul!
Today I'm going to go through all the books I hauled over the course of November. I picked up some really great new releases and I got s

Nov 17, 2017
2017 | October Book Haul + Update!
I went a little crazy last month and even though recently I've been telling myself that I need to cut back and only pick up a couple ins