2017 | October TBR

Hi guys!!
I'm going to keep this short and sweet and try not to ramble but once again there are some great releases that have recently been released and I am super excited to pick some of them up. Here are the books I plan to get to this month:
I'll start off with a couple of arcs that both release this month and that I want to get to and review before they come out. Thank you to Running Press and Bloomsbury for providing them! I am very excited to read both of these and see what I think. They are:
All The Dirty Parts by Daniel Handler
36 Questions That Changed My Mind About You
Now to the books I have been meaning to read for a while:
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (I picked this up earlier this year and wasn't really in the mood so put it down, but I feel like I might give it another chance.)
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (Again I have read part of this before and never finished it so I might give it another go. I know I'm really late to the party with this but, the fact that I have seen the movie and kind of know what happens in the first book is making it hard to get through, I need to finish it though so I can move on and see what happens next.)
And finally a few recent releases:
An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson
Shadowblack by Sebastien De Castell
Warcross by Marie Lu
Night of Cake and Puppets by Laini Taylor (I am so excited to read the physical copy of this because from what I have seen the illustrations are absolutely beautiful, and am really glad I hadn't already read the ebook. So this will be completely new for me, I can't to read about Zuzana and Mik again and finally find out about how they met.)
The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic by Leigh Bardugo
I'm definitely a mood reader and depending on what mood I'm in, the genre's I feel like reading change. I mean I probably won't get to all of these and will end up reading some completely different books but for now this is my plan, and what I currently feel like picking up.
Thank you so much for reading!!
- Sophie