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Most Anticipated Book Releases of 2020

Hi guys! Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and wish you all the best things in 2020!

Today I'm going to go over my most anticipated releases of 2020! Feel free to let me know in the comments what books you are most excited for this year and if any of these are on your list! But without further ado...

These books are in no particular order, but if you know me you'll know which is at the top of my list... hint hint.

House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas. Crescent City book 1

1. House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas comes out this year and I am so thrilled and excited to see what kind of direction Maas has decided to go in with this brand new story. All I know is that it's a more urban fantasy style world and is finally labelled as a new adult title as most of her previous works should also be. I want to hold out for the book instead of looking too deeply in the synopsis just because if I know too much about a certain book I will tend to gather expectations and I don't want to risk that with this one. But I'm a massive fan of both the Throne of Glass series and ACOTAR series so while I am highly anticipating this new start to a new series I am also wary because I so want it to be amazing. But we'll have to wait until March to find out!

Release Date: 3rd March

2. The next book on my list doesn't yet have a cover but, I along with many others have been eagerly awaiting The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue by V.E. Schwab. The premise of this book sounds the most like something I would love out of all Schwab's previous books so I'm really excited for it. If you don't know, it's pitched as a love story between a French girl and the devil over the span of 300 years. The girl sells her soul for the ability to live forever, and the devil curses her to be forgotten by everyone she meets. I mean, does that not sound like the best synopsis ever.

Release Date: 6th October

3. Empire of The Vampire by Jay Kristoff - Said to be releasing towards the end of the year but I've also seen amazon UK and book depository says it is not due to release until September 2021. So we may have to wait a little while longer for this one. But I'm sure the wait will be worth it! But fingers crossed we'll be surprised with a release this year. A girl can hope...

4. The Deck of Omens by Christine Lynn Herman - Highly anticipated sequel to The Devouring Gray! If you like the friendship dynamic in Sawkill Girls or The Raven Boys you'll probably thoroughly enjoy this series. I'm so excited to get more from these characters!

Release Date: 21st April.

5. The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty - The third and final book in the Daevabad Trilogy in which a con-woman and an idealistic djinn prince join forces to save a magical kingdom. I've yet to finish the second book in this series but I definitely foresee it being a favourite of mine in the future. If you haven't checked out this series you really should!

Release Date: 30th June

6. Chosen by Kiersten White - The second book in the Slayer series. Set in the world of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. This series follows Nina, she's grown up with the watchers after being born in to a watcher family but soon realises she has been dealt a hand that has much more responsibility than she bargained for. I loved the first book and can't wait to see where the story goes in the sequel!

Release Date: 7th January.

7. The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller - A book about a women who plans to woo the shadow king, marry him and kill him to take the throne for herself. This sounds like a thoroughly twisted book and I honestly can't wait!

Release Date: 25th February

8. Seasons of the Storm by Elle Cosimano - Synopsis: One cold, crisp night, Jack Sommers was faced with a choice—live forever according to the ancient, magical rules of Gaia, or die. Jack chose to live, and in exchange, he became a Winter—an immortal physical embodiment of the season on Earth. Every year, he must hunt the Season who comes before him. Summer kills Spring. Autumn kills Summer. Winter kills Autumn. And Spring kills Winter.

This seems like a very unique take on the seasonal magic trend and I'm intrigued to find out more!

Release Date: 23rd June

9. The sequel to Serpent & Dove is set to release toward the end of the year and I am probably the most excited for this out of all the sequels coming out this year. Many people fell in love with the first book last year and I was no exception. It has the most the best written most angsty hate to love romance I've read in a long time! And I really hope the series carries on being everything I've ever wanted. Blood & Honey by Shelby Maurin doesn't yet have a synopsis but I can't wait to find out more.

Release Date: 1st September

10. Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire - The fifth book in the wayward children's series comes out in just a couple of days and I can't wait for this one. This specific addition to the series is a direct sequel to the second book and once again follows the Jack and Jill storyline. I can't say much about this sequel because of spoilers but if you love portal fantasies definitely give Every Heart a Doorway a try.

Release Date: 7th January

11. The Damned by Renée Ahdieh - There's not that long to wait for the sequel to The Beautiful and I'm hyped! I can't wait to read more of Ahdieh's beautiful writing and find out what happens next after that shocking final to the first book! The Beautiful is set in New Orleans, and the city is ruled by the dead. Our main character Celine after recently arriving in town quickly becomes enamoured with the vibrant city and especially the dark glitzy underworld.

Release Date: 9th June

And here's a few honourable mentions I'll be keeping an eye out for:

- Set Fire To The Gods by Sara Raasch

- Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust

- Chasing Lucky by Jenn Bennett

- The Girl And The Stars by Mark Lawrence

- A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

- The Court of Miracles by Kester Grant

- The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski

- My Calamity Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows

Let me know what books you're looking forward to, I'd love to know if there's any I missed!

Thank you for reading!

- Sophie


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