Jul 31, 2018
COVER REVEAL + GIVEAWAY!! | What The Flower Says of Death by Danielle Koste
Today I'm very pleased to be able to share with you the, BEAUTIFUL cover of Danielle Koste's latest novel: What The Flower Says of D

Jul 30, 2018
YALC + LFCC Round Up and Haul! | 2018
I'm a pretty avid convention goer, but up until now I'd never been to London Film and Comic Con (LFCC) or the Young Adult Literature

Jul 20, 2018
When I started 2018, I had a few goals and in today's post I'll be going over them and seeing what I've accomplished so far this

Jul 20, 2018
The Perfect Summer Reads | 2018
I've done a Summer reads recommendation post before but since that one is quite outdated now, I thought I'd do a new one. I've r