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2017 | October Book Haul + Update!

I went a little crazy last month and even though recently I've been telling myself that I need to cut back, I just have no self control when it comes to books. I am however absolutely thrilled about most of these and can't wait to get to them.

UPDATE: Also I wanted to include a little update since I've not been as active as usual lately. I've been focusing on some other important things recently and just haven't had the time to create as many posts but that is going to be changing a lot as we come towards the end of the year. I really want to go all out as I've got so many ideas. So make sure you're signed up to my newsletter and keep an eye out for some super exciting things!!!

Now for all the books I hauled in October:

I'm not going to go into detail about what every book is about because that would make this post crazy long, so you'll have to wait for my reviews. But I'll leave a link to Book Depository, Amazon UK and Goodreads for each of them so you can read about them or pick them up if you're interested.

A Darker Shade of Magic Exclusive Collectors Edition by V.E. Schwab

I mean do you really need any explanation. I just had to get it. I ordered two of them the regular American cover version and the silver Barnes and Noble limited edition. The Barnes and Noble edition still hasn't arrived though as it's travelling from the US to the UK, but I thought I'd include it in this haul post since I ordered it a while ago.

Mirror, Mirror by Cara Delevingne

I pre-ordered a signed copy of this book from Waterstones because it was super cheap and I was very intrigued by the premise.

Uncommon Type by Tom Hanks

I also pre-ordered a signed copy of this and I'm so glad that I did. I love Tom Hanks and a lot of his film's are my favourites of all time, especially Splash, Big and The Green Mile so I just had to get a hold of this. I am so excited to see what his writing is like and dive into this collection of stories.

Ever The Hunted by Erin Summerhill

I've been meaning to pick up this book since it released and finally decided to just do it since I had a coupon for Book Depository. Also the next book Ever The Brave comes out soon.

The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding by Alexandra Bracken

Since I've not really read many middle grades, I've decided to give a couple a go and branch out, so I decided this would be a unique one so picked it up. Plus all the reviews are getting me really excited.

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden

I've seen so many great reviews for this so I couldn't help myself I had to get it.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Box Set

Believe it or not I've never read any of Rick Riordan's books so I finally decided to take the plunge and pick up this set I've been eyeing for ages.

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

I've seen this circulating for ages and several booktubers and bloggers that have similar tastes to me absolutely swear by this series so when I saw it for such a great price, I finally bought it, now to find the time to read it.

Invictus by Ryan Graudin

This book has such a unique premise and had been getting really great reviews. So I decided to pick it up. I really hope that it lives up to my expectations.

Night of Cake and Puppets by Laini Taylor

I actually picked up both the UK and US editions of this book too because I just couldn't decide which one I wanted but I'm glad I did because they are both beautiful. And to those out there that think it's silly having multiple copies of one book; I don't care! I like books and I like collecting them so I don't see a problem with it.

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao

I received this book in the Fairyloot October 2017 Villainous box. FairyLoot is a monthly bookish subscription box, check out more about it here:


Goodbye, Perfect by Sara Barnard

Thank you so much to Macmillan and @MyKindaBook over on Twitter for sending me a proof of this book. I absolutely adored A Quiet Kind of Thunder and am so excited to dive into it this one. I've been looking forward to it for a while now and can't wait to let you guys know what I think, so expect a book review soon. It's now available to pre-order!

UK Release Date: 8th Feb 2018

Renegades by Marissa Meyer

Another book I've been super excited for, and am actually currently reading so I'm going to have a full review up soon. I was lucky enough to be accepted to read a e-arc on NetGalley but will definitely be picking up a physical copy upon it's release in the U.K.

You can order your own copy here: Book Depository, Amazon UK.

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UK Release Date: 3rd Jan 2018 - US Release Date: 7th Nov 2017

Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings

I also requested this on NetGalley and was lucky enough to get approved so thank you to both of the wonderful authors and HQ. I'm hoping to get to this either before the end of the month or at some point in December. Pre-order here: Book Depository, Amazon UK.

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UK Release Date: 11th Jan 2018

Everless by Sara Holland

I am so intrigued by the premise of this book. E-arc received via NetGalley.

Pre-order here: Book Depository, Amazon UK.

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UK Release Date: 2nd Jan 2018

There you have it! All the books I picked up/hauled in October.

Thank you so much for reading!! I'll see you soon with another post.



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