2017 | October Wrap-Up
Hi guys!

Today I'm going through all the books I've read over the course of October. I read some that I really enjoyed and a couple that were a little disappointing. Sadly I haven't had the best reading month, however lets get into all the books I did manage to get to.
At the end of September I picked the third and final book in the Remnant Chronicles trilogy by Mary E. Pearson and I finished it at the beginning of October. I adored this book, and even though I did have a few problems with the series overall, this book was definitely my favourite of the three. I loved the way in which the author chose to take the series as it was very different from what I was expecting and am definitely happy with how it concluded. Overall I would definitely recommend it if your a fan of the fantasy genre or especially books like, The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen or Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch. I gave this one 4.5 Stars.
Next I picked up An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson, and I have to say that I was extremely impressed with this standalone. I was not expecting so much depth and character development in such a short book but I was very pleasantly surprised. This is the perfect book for fans of the ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas, or if your just looking for a fae fix. I gave this book 5 stars. I have a full review up where I go into what exactly made this book a win for me, check out the post here: https://sophieelaina.wixsite.com/blog/single-post/AnEnchantmentofRavens
The next book that I read is probably the biggest disappointment of the month as I was expecting so much more as there was a lot of potential around this premise as I have not read anything remotely similar to this in the past. All the Dirty Parts by Daniel Handler just didn't do it for me though. I gave it 2 stars as the idea around it was clever, however it lacked character and plot development and I just did not connect with the way it was written. Again I have a full review here if your interested: https://sophieelaina.wixsite.com/blog/single-post/all-the-dirty-parts
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi was what I decided to pick up next. Again I was rather disappointed with this book overall. I had been looking forward to reading this for so long but I feel like the hype surrounding this book really made my expectations way too high. It was very predictable and I found the characters hard to like. The romantic relationship played an important part in the plot and yet it was not developed enough and felt so forced. Again the idea around it was great and because I love Hades and Persephone retellings, some things I definitely enjoyed but I was left wanting so much more. The thing I enjoyed the most was definitely the writing style so I will be giving the authors other books a go in the future. I just didn't enjoy this as much as I had hoped. I gave this one 3 stars.
I then read 36 Questions that Changed My Mind About You by Vicki Grant. The plot in which this book follows was again very original however I feel like this time it actually worked out and was developed in a very interesting way. I was surprised by the depth and research that went into writing this book and I think the author did a great job at creating a very interesting contemporary read. The romance definitely followed the hate to love trope and because thats one of my favourites it only added to how much I enjoyed this. I rated this book 4 stars. I have another full review for this one if you would like to check it out: https://sophieelaina.wixsite.com/blog/single-post/36-questions-that-changed-my-mind-about-you
Made you up by Francesca Zappia was my next read and all I want to say about this book is that it was an absolutely fabulous read. PICK IT UP NOW YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! Seriously this book was wonderful and if you decide to read it I would advise going into it knowing as little as possible because that will make it even more exciting to read. As soon as I finished this I added it to my favourites shelf. This is a 5 star read!
Lastly I picked up Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu which also turned into another 5 star read for me. This is feminism at its best and such an empowering read that everyone should pick up at some point in there life. This is one of those books that could really help so many people in real life. I can't recommend it enough. Here is my full review: https://sophieelaina.wixsite.com/blog/single-post/Moxie
Well that's it, as I said at the beginning I didn't read as much as I had hoped to this month but nonetheless I found some new favourites anyway. I hope you enjoyed reading this and I'll be back at the end of November with another wrap up and a TBR for November very soon.
Thanks for reading!