Popular Books I Haven't Read

There are so many popular books that I haven't read and I'm sure I'm not the only one, so I thought it would be fun to make a post about those books and talk about why I haven't picked them up. Some of the books I'm about to mention I actually own and I really want to read I just haven't got to them yet. But there's definitely a couple of exceptions where I really don't want to read them, like ever, but I'll get to that when I get to those books. So here goes.
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
I thought I'd start off with one that's easy to explain. If you haven't read the books you probably know it by the more popular name 'Game of Thrones'. I feel like most people have either heard of this series or watched the television show. And I own all of the books that have been released so far but they are so damn intimidating and dense. But I'd be lying if I said that was the reason why I hadn't read them yet. The truth is I've watched every episode of the show so far, several times over and I love it. However, I know that will severely impact how much I enjoy these books because I already know so much about the series. I am determined to read them though, so I guess I just need to dive straight in and see what I think.
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Believe it or not I have never finished any of Cassandra Clare's books. I have picked up City of Bones once before but I just never finished it. I'm not really sure why though, because I was really enjoying it. This is a series I really want to read because I want to read the Infernal Devices and the Dark Artifices and I know I will regret it if I skip the first series. I think I might have gotten a little bored because I had already watched the movie. So I think I'm going to give City of Bones another go and make sure I finish it this time so I can continue on. But since then I have given the T.V show a go and I kind of regret it because it wasn't so great in my opinion. So I forced myself to stop because I don't want it to ruin how I see the books. But I'm still on the fence about reading them.
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James
I mean is there any explanation needed for this. I don't know. I've watched the first movie, and it was pretty meh. My Mum and Sister have read all the books and really enjoyed them, but I have heard so much crap about them by reviewers I have similar tastes with. I've nothing against the books in particular and if you like them then good for you but I have read the synopsis and I am so not interested in giving up any of my time on these books. Just. No.
The Name of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
I know, I call myself a fantasy fan. Ok, the truth is; the books are massive and the final book hasn't yet been released and I just don't really want to get invested until the series is finished. But, it's ten years already and the last book still hasn't been released and I've heard so many good things so when the tenth anniversary edition came out recently I picked it up. So I might just read it anyway, and worry later. I don't know. If you've read it let me know in the comments below what you thought of it.
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
This is a contemporary that exploded and so many people either love or hate. I don't really know how but I've managed to not read it, or watch the movie and I own both. To be honest I just don't find myself reaching for it or any of John Green's other books. Recently he released Turtles All The Way Down and I have to say that it's probably the most intriguing of his books so I think I might read that and then decide whether I want to go back and pick up his other works.
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
Another series I haven't got around to reading and am actually interested in giving a go. But I've heard a lot of mixed things that I've kind of been put off. Again I've watched the movie and I have to say it was pretty weird but at the same time I want to find out what happens next so I think I'm going to have to read the books to find out what happens to these characters.
Well then that's about it, there are more but these are the main ones that were coming to mind. I hope you enjoyed my ramblings and I'll be back soon with another post.
Thank you for reading!
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