January Wrap-Up | 2018

Today I’m going to go through all the books I managed to read over the course of January 2018! I know I’ve been lacking when it comes to content lately, especially here but also on my YouTube channel and on social media and that’s mainly the result of me moving house. Since I’ve got to wait for some work to be done in my new house before I fully unpack, I’ve not been able to set up my Mac or PC for recording/editing videos or had the time to write posts or create any kind of content; but hopefully before the end of this month that will change. For now I hope you all don’t mind, I’m going to get busy working on new things as soon as I can!
Books I read in Jan 2018:
Frostblood by Elly Blake - 3 Stars
I was a little disappointed with this book and found it pretty average. I predicted a lot of what happened and I also felt that the romance and relationships between the characters in general were very forced. There were a lot of great things and I enjoyed the plot and World building in the first half of the book but overall it fell a little short for me.
More Than We Can Tell by Brigid Kemmerer - 5 Stars
More Than We Can Tell was amazing!! I adored this book so much. If you’ve read Letters to the Lost you need to get your hands on this as soon as it releases because you’ll be sure to love it!
Goodbye, Perfect by Sara Barnard - 4 Stars
This was a shockingly realistic read. It had so much depth and the characters were so well rounded! I have a full review up on this book, just visit my book reviews page! :)
Where I Live by Brenda Rufener - 5 Stars
This is a super realistic book. The concept worked so well and the author did the best job creating a fantastically gripping plot and a set of characters you won’t easily forget. This was a seriously amazing book and I enjoyed it so much!
The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window by Kirsty Moseley - 4 Stars
Since forever I’ve been stock piling books on the kindle app on my iPad. Everytime I come across a book on Amazon that I’m interested and the kindle price is too good to pass on I can’t help myself so I thought it was about time I sifted through some of those books and I randomly chose this one to start with. This book was seriously so well done and a fantastic contemporary read. The characters were what really stood out in this one and overall this book did the complete opposite of what I wanted. Instead of narrowing down the amount of books I need to get to on my iPad I ended up splurging on a load of Kirsty Moseley’s books because I needed to read more of her work. This book was really great and I would definitely recommend it. Although it did have a lot more depth and serious content than I expected I feel like that was what made me so attached to the story.
Guarding the Broken (Nothing Left To Lose Part 1) by Kirsty Moseley - 2 Stars
This book was one of the books I got as soon as I finished the previous book by Kirsty and I have to say this was just as addicting. There were some things about this one that were not quite as well done as the previous book I read but nonetheless it was a good book. Just not quite up to the standard I was hoping. The end mostly let this first half of the story down.
Blurring the Lines (Nothing Left To Lose Part 2) by Kirsty Moseley - 2.5 Stars
This, is the second part of the previous book and I have to say as a hole the book did improve and go in a much more interesting direction, however it still didn’t quite get there for me. I would have liked less icky scenes and more action and I don’t know, plot development in general.
Lost & Found by Nicole Williams - 2.5 Stars
Another book I hauled digitally a while ago. I did enjoy this one but overall it was very average and that’s the main reason I couldn’t give it a higher rating. It lacked in a lot of the same places as many other contemporaries. However if you like a good old country romance this is perfect for you.
When It’s Real by Erin Watt - 3.5 Stars
This was a more recent splurge of mine and I have to say I was a little let down. Paper Princess was a wonderful read so I thought I would give the authors’ other book a try and it didn’t go as well as I hoped. It was good but not a book I would go crazy to recommend. As always I feel like books by Erin Watt are great for fans of Abbi Glines.
Inseparable by Siobhan Davis - 4.25 Stars
This book kind of blew me away. Some stuff about it were cheesy and very out there but as a hole it just worked. It went in so many directions and the author really created a unique read. Although if you’re thinking of picking this up please be aware there are a lot of graphic scenes and triggering aspects to the plot. I can’t really delve too much into them because they work hand in hand with major plot twists but I just wanted to leave a warning to stay away from this one if your triggered by anything graphic.
The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert - 4 Stars
This was a lush dark read that swept me in to a fairytale world and made me wish I was from the Hinterland. This was wonderful and so atmospheric. As you start this one it’s a little slow but please make sure you stick with it because the more you read the better it gets! My full review is up here on my blog, just visit my book reviews page to read it! :)
And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed reading and I’ll be back soon with more posts and bookish content! Also I really do appreciate all of you that read my content on here and watch my videos over on YT so I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!
- Sophie
I hope everyone has had or is having a lovely day no matter where you are in the world or when you are reading this! Remember you are amazing!!