February TBR | 2018

Hi everyone!! What books have you already read or are you hoping to read this month? I’m hoping to get back into fantasy since I’ve not really read as many as I’ve been hoping to recently. Also, I’ve accumulated quite a few new releases that I am so excited to finally read and have so many older fantasy books that I haven’t got the chance to read yet.
Since we’re already a good chunk into February I’ve already read couple of books; those being:
Warcross by Marie Lu
Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat
I’ll have reviews up at some point for both of these but if you follow me on goodreads you’ll find a couple of short snippets of me stating a few of my thoughts. The link to my goodreads is at the top of this page if you’re interested. And I’ll talk about them more in my February wrap-up.
Also I’m currently reading Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes and so far it’s going really well. Very different to what I expected but I’m pleasantly surprised.
And lastly here are a few other books I’m hoping to get soon. I’d like to get to all of them before the end of the month but I’m not going to say that I will for sure because that probably won’t happen.
-Red Rising by Pierce Brown
-The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas
-Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
-Prince’s Gambit by C.S. Pacat
-Love, Hate and Other Filters by Samira Ahmed
-Say You’ll Remember Me by Katie McGarry
Thank you so much for reading! Let me know if you’ve read any of the books I’ve mentioned in the comments. I’d love to know what your thoughts are on them! And I’ll be back soon with another post!
- Sophie