Review | A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard

Title: A Quiet Kind of Thunder
Author: Sara Barnard
Genre/s: Young Adult, Contemporary
Published: January 12th 2017 by Macmillan Children's Books
What a wonderful book; the only problem is I need more! These characters were adorable they were just so realistically written and developed throughout the book. I can't believe how amazing this was. I definitely was not expecting to love this book as much as I do!
"Love isn't always a lightning strike. Sometimes it's the rumbling roll of thunder..."
Sara Barnard delved into so many things that I hadn't read about before in a contemporary as well as things that I had but that were executed much better in this book than I have ever seen before. The representation of different types of anxiety and how it can get in the way of day to day life was wonderful. The author was able to make me feel for and really relate to the protagonist Steffi.
“And then it happens. The panic. It's slow at first, creeping through the cracks in my thoughts until everything starts to feel heavy. It builds; it becomes something physical that clutches at my insides and squeezes out the air and the blood.”
Steffi has been a selective mute for most of her life; she's been silent for so long that she feels completely invisible. But Rhys, the new boy at school, sees her. He's deaf, and her knowledge of basic sign language means that she's assigned to look after him. We follow Steffi on her journey of the realisation that she does have a voice.
“I want the world, I think. Even if it scares me.”
Barnard was able to pull me in and make me think about so many issues while reading this and it really opened my eyes in terms of how different people see and experience the world around them in many different ways depending on their circumstances. I don't really want to say too much more about it, because I believe you should just pick it up and read because it is such an amazing book and that is all you need to know. JUST READ IT!!! Overall it was a fabulous read and I really recommend it. Well and truly deserving of the spot it now has reserved on my favourites shelf.
5 Stars!