Review | A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas

Title: A Court of Wings and Ruin
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Genre/s: New Adult, Fantasy
Published by Bloomsbury on 2nd May 2017
I'm going to try my best not to be too spoilery for those of you who haven't read this yet, but I can't make any promises. And if your new to the series go check out my review for the first book in this series - A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Sarah J. Maas has once again created a masterpiece, as always her writing was wonderful to read. The way she is able to build such a vivid and beautiful world is amazing and I was gripped from the first line. At the end of A Court of Mist and Fury we leave Feyre back at the Spring Court and in the heart of enemy territory. I have being looking forward to see Feyre play spy for so long and was so happy to find that it definitely lived up to all of my expectations. I adored that we got to see a lot more of Lucian and I feel like we really got to know his character better. I loved the intense moments between him and Feyre when they don't know whether to trust each other or not, they are just perfection. I'm not sure whether it was supposed to be funny but I really found it hilarious, at one point I just could not stop laughing everyone in my house literally though I was going crazy. Maas really created some epic moments that are just incredibly well done, that I will never forget. “Night Triumphant - and the Stars Eternal. If he was the sweet, terrifying darkness, I was the glittering light that only his shadows could make clear.” Now lets get to Rhysand...erm.. what can I even say? OH YES!! HE WAS AMAZING! I loved every single Rhys moment that we got to see and I just love him as a character and even though I didn't think that his character could be developed any more after reading ACOMAF, the way Maas wrote his development blew me away it was phenomenal. Now to all my other favourites, all I'm going to say is I adore them all especially Cassian and Azriel. Again it was pure perfection. Mor and Amren's character development also really went somewhere in this book, I never expected what happens to happen and I am still surprised and amazed at the great things that Sarah J. Maas did. The plot was so action packed and there was always something happening it was so stressful but in a really really great way, I am so glad that we got to see loads more of the High Lords, that was brilliants and I loved the meeting, I am running out of words to use to describe how amazing things were. I only had one tiny problem, I really wanted a discussion to happen between Tamlin and Feyre near the end after you know what (No spoilers here, see I am really trying), I just really needed more. Saying that I think that things were left in a great way and I really felt satisfied with the conclusion, and I also think that the way it ended really did justice to this amazing series. I am happy with Feyre and Rhysand's ending but I really hope that we get to see them again even if its just a cameo. They will always be some of my favourite characters of all time. “It's a rare person to face who they are and not run from it - not be broken by it.” I definitely ugly cried and I will never get over it. I will go as far to say that part of me died while reading this book. The feels were ridiculous and I have never ever cried like I did when I cried while I read this. I'm not sure where the series is going to go and which characters we will see again but I don't care I will read anything Sarah J. Maas writes and the fact that there is going to be more from this world is enough for me. But honestly do I have to wait another year, what will I do until then. “I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years. And if this was all the time we were allowed to have... the wait was worth it.” I don't know if this book is considered a retelling as such like the others but I definitely see similarities with snow white, for example the apple, and the mirror thing and the whole back story on a supposed queen that was once the owner of it and used it to prey on young women. It all seems very snow white to me, but I really loved how it was only a few little aspects woven into the story I think Sarah J. Maas has a gift for retelling's as she can really come up with amazing things to put a twist on classic tales and make them her own. I mean just look at the other two books in this fabulous trilogy. Overall I loved it and I'm not sure whether A Court of Mist and Fury is still my favourite or whether this one is but I loved them both, and this series has ruined me I have a feeling that I will never find anything as good as these, I am getting depressed just thinking about it. At the moment this is one hundred percent my favourite series of all time and if that ever changes I will come back and let you guys know because it would have to be a crazy amazing book to take the spot from these. I know there are things that people find problematic and I acknowledge that but I still love them and I always will. The only thing left to say is that I highly recommend this series, everyone should read it and I think that even if you don't enjoy the fantasy genre I would be extremely surprised if you didn't like this.
5/5 Stars! (Obviously)