Review | All The Dirty Parts by Daniel Handler

Title: All The Dirty Parts
Author: Daniel Handler
Genre/s: Contemporary
Publication Date: October 19th 2017 by Bloomsbury Publishing
As a whole this really fell short for me, I feel like I just didn't click with the style of writing. If you enjoy short books with quirky writing I think you might enjoy this book, but I just really didn't like it.
The characters were not well developed at all in my opinion, I realise that was the idea and that the book is literally 'all the dirty parts' but you still need to be able to connect with the characters or at least have a plot that you are enjoying. But I found it boring and not much actually happened.
The writing was almost like notes, it just felt unfinished. Cole was an interesting protagonist and I definitely haven't read from a character like him before, but you really don't get to know him as a character at all due to the way this is written.
The descriptions were crazy, once you've read that you can't unread it. Truly I was extremely surprised by how descriptive some parts were. My opinion is that it went too far.
I would like to mention though that I was however pleasantly surprised by the diversity in terms of the exploration of sexuality, as there was a same sex relationship. From reading the description prior to reading the actual book, it wasn't something I was expecting but I was happy about that and definitely praise the author for including it.
“For every girl I thought I was uncomplicated sex, it wasn't. Put it this way: if you can't see the complication, you're probably it.”
I was expecting more and was rather let down. I did get to the end but I actually considered putting it down and giving up a couple of times, and I never dnf books, I mean sometimes I put them down to go back to them later but with this I really wasn't enjoying it at all. But it is so short so I pushed through but I kind of wish I hadn't because the ending just made it even worse. So I guess that shows my feelings on this pretty clearly. I would say give it a try but no actually I really don't recommend it at all.
This book was just so frustrating to read. Considering that it was interesting perspective to read from and a very original concept in all, is the main reason why I have decided to give it two stars instead of one.
Thank you to Bloomsbury Publishing for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
2 Stars.