Author's I Want To Give A Second Chance

Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a lovely day wherever you are in the world! Today I'm going to be talking about a few authors that I perhaps didn't love the first book I'd read by them but really want to give another chance. Sometimes authors bring out books you think you're going to love and end up not loving and then you read another book by them a year or so down the line and you fall in love with it. So here are a few authors I think have the potential to wow me:
Roshani Chokshi - The Star-Touched Queen didn't quite reach my expectations. It wasn't all bad though, there were just a few things that really dragged the book down and I think Chokshi has such potential. Each time I read one of her synopsis it gets me so excited and I think that might be the main reason the first book let me down. So I'm going to give The Gilded Wolves and possibly Crown of Wishes a try soon and see what happens.
Marissa Meyer - I own all of her books but the one I started (Renegades) with didn't wow me, it just felt rather average and since then I haven't had the drive to pick up another book by her. I do want to carry on with the next book that comes after Renegades at some point but I think I'm going to give Heartless a go first and see what I think of that. Renegades just didn't reach a high point for me and I just felt as though the whole thing was a little too steady and predictable. I also think it might just be my particular tastes though, so I do want to try again with Meyer. I know a lot of people love The Lunar Chronicles but I'm not quite in the right mood to dive into that series so I think Heartless may be the next book I pick up by her.
Sophie Kinsella - This is another instance in which the book I read by this author isn't bad but it just wasn't my kind of thing either. Finding Audrey is loved by a very large audience but I just didn't gel to the characters or story. I think I'll jump to one of her books that is catered to an older audience and see what I think of that.

Cale Dietrich - I read The Love Interest at the end of 2018 and it was good, just not great. There were things I thought were so great and others that I pretty much hated. But for most of the time I really enjoyed reading Cale Dietrich's writing and found his style easy to get into so I do think I could really love a book by him. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for whatever he puts out next.
Elly Blake - Frostblood kind of let me down and just ended up being a book that was very similar to many others I've picked up. That being said the actual writing and way it was written was very nice and I do want to continue on with the series and see whether Blake takes the plot in a more unusual direction because if she does then that could really change the game for this author.

Jamie McGuire - Now this is a rather controversial one at least for me. Jamie McGuire wrote my least favourite book that I read in 2018 which is also one of my two least favourite books of all time. I quickly realised that Beautiful Disaster wasn't my kind of read early on into it and pretty much only continued reading to see if it got any better and it definitely did not. I hated it. But here's the problem, she has another book called 'All The Little Lights', and I'm super intrigued by the premise, so I think I'm going to give her one more chance. I'd like to be able to say it was just the one book that I didn't like by this author, not her entire works.
Anyway that's it, those are six authors I really want to give another shot. Maybe I'll check in in six months or so and see if I've actually read something else by each of these and let you know what my thoughts are.
Let me know what authors you're thinking of giving another chance or even what authors you have given another chance and how that went?!
Thanks for reading!
- Sophie