Author's I'd Love To Be Able To Write Like | Top 5 Wednesday

I think when it comes to authors I'd love to be able to write like I tend to lean towards those with very distinct writing styles. It just amazes me that someone is able to create something so beautiful. To bring together words in a way that represents not just their straight out meaning but also something else, something hidden. I do however believe that to ourselves our own writing doesn't really seem special. Because people often write how they speak and use words they would actually use, which is definitely the case for me. So I think maybe where you come from is what first and foremost determines what kind of language you use. For example I've been working on the first draft of a fantasy novel I've been thinking about writing for a while and now I'm actually doing it, I'm finding that the phrases I tend to use are very akin to the language used by people around me.
But, lets get on topic, today I'm talking about the author's I'd love to write like and I have a wide variety that I've chosen.
1. Laini Taylor - Who wouldn't love to be able to write like Laini Taylor. The way she puts words together is wonderful and unnerving to say the least. Her books are both beautiful and complex. Her flowery writing style is truly one of a kind.
2. Sarah J. Maas - She's my absolute favourite author and I have enjoyed everything I've read of hers so far so I figure she must be doing something right. To be able to use words to make you feel like you are fully in the world and with the characters like she does, would be amazing.
3. Becky Albertali - Her writing is super quirky and I can without a doubt say that she does contemporary the best. She is one of my favourite contemporary writers and I love how she doesn't shy away from hard to write concepts. Her writing is funny, straight to the point and very fast to read. It just flows really well and is very unique for a contemporary writer in my opinion.
4. Leigh Bardugo - The way she is able to put a sentence together including so much information but also in a quirky very different way is so inspiring. She is able to grip you straight away, but also not give away information and leave you both intrigued and excited to see what is coming next. The words she uses aren't over complex, but are different enough to make her sentences seem so very unique.
5. Stephanie Garber - So far she's only released one book but from Caraval I can already tell that her whimsical way of spinning a tale is amazing. I would love to be able to write like her.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you soon with another post!
Thanks for reading!
(Sorry about the late post, I completely forgot to schedule this, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway!)
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