Review | City of Circles by Jess Richards

Title: City of Circles
Author: Jess Richards
Published August 10th 2017 by Sceptre
Genre/s: Fantasy, YA
Wow, I really enjoyed this book. I feel like it has one of those plots that is so well weaved together with the characters and their development that it was really mind blowing to read. I mean some things were predictable but there was so much more happening at the same time that wasn't and I can't believe how well it was done. Jess Richards' writing was almost lyrical and kind of reminded me of when I read Laini Taylor's books.
'Tightrope walking is dangerous isn't it?' He repies in his softest voice, 'Until you learn how to balance, everything is.'
I think I have a thing for books that have circus' or carnival's in them. It's just one of my favourite things to read about at the moment. So even though I'd seen a few less favourable reviews I still wanted to pick this up and give it a try. It was the same with Caraval as even though there were so many mixed reviews I still ended up really loving it, and this was the case once again with City of Circles.
'She stares into the river, longing for the emergence of something profound. A water spirit, who trickles and surges through rivers and streams, before gathering herfelf as a powerful ocean. The sound of gushing water subsides. Light shifts. The river stills. Danu drifts into the clouds, reflected beneath her in the water.'
The book follows Danu and Morrie two circus performers and their journey together through the magical city of Matryoshka. When Danu visits Matroyshka it reminded me of when Alice fell down the rabbit hole; honestly that is the only way I can think of as to describe it.
I don't want to give too much away in terms of the characters as I think that would spoil the affect of reading it. Just read it! The story is full of whimsy, and love and adventure and if that is what your looking for in a book then this is perfect for you. I would highly recommend.
5 Stars!
Thank you to Goodreads, Sceptre and Jess Richards for sending me an arc to review. All opinions are my own.