Review | Crown of Ice by Vicki L. Weavil

Title: Crown of Ice
Author: Vicki L. Weavil
Expected Publication: May 9th 2017 by Snowy Wings Publishing (first published in 2014)
Genre(s): Young Adult, Fantasy
I was very intrigued by the concept of this book as soon as I read about it, I just loved the idea of a Snow Queen retelling. To begin with I really wasn't enjoying the way in which it was written and I didn't connect or sympathise with the characters at all. The main character whom the story is centred around is Thyra Winther (The Snow Queen) and the plot follows her in her task to fix a mirror which would enable her to become the immortal Snow Queen or if she fails become a wraith to which she would suffer forever. I really didn't like her at all to begin with and that impacted my thoughts on the rest of the book. The world-building left a lot to be desired and the plot was some what predictable. However when I was just about to give up about half way through, I actually started to like it which is strange for me because I often make my mind up on what I think early on and not much can change it. So the book went from a one star to a three star which is honestly incredible considering my feelings at the start.
Now lets get into the nitty gritty about the plot. I feel like there was a great concept behind it but I felt like it was too rushed, there was a lot of jumping around and skipping time at the beginning and that definitely didn't help. I didn't enjoy the parts at the beginning where Thyra was coming up with a plan to kidnap Kai in order to get him to help her. However I enjoyed the little flashback to when they met as I feel like it really helped to flesh out the story. I think it would have been great to see more from Thyra's past, it would have helped to show her characters progression. I also enjoyed the love hate relationship between Kai and Thyra although when he finds out about her lies I didn't like how he was only mad for a minute and then in love with her again. There could have been a really great angsty relationship if it was more slow burning although I do appreciate the banter and humour the author weaved into some of the conversations between the two characters, One of my favourite parts of the story was when Thyra went to see the Wanderers and talked to Gerda while she was locked up, I thought that conversation between the two characters was vital in the turning point of the story.
Overall I feel like the book was pretty average and wouldn't recommend it for anyone who is looking for intricate high fantasy like in Throne of Glass or The Grisha Trilogy but if you are looking for a lighthearted fantasy read that is short and fast paced this is definitely the book for you. The re-telling aspects I enjoyed and I feel like if you do enjoy retelling's in general you will probably like this and should give it a read. I had a very love hate relationship with the book while reading it but I am glad that I carried on reading and didn't give up because I really found it quite enjoyable when I finally got into it.
Thank you to NetGalley and Snowy Wings Publishing for sending me a copy in exchange for honest review.
3/5 Stars