Review | Goodbye, Perfect by Sara Barnard

Title: Goodbye, Perfect
Author: Sara Barnard
Genre/s: Contemporary, Young Adult.
Expected Publication: 8th February 2018 by Pan Macmillan
This book was a very thought provoking read and is one of those books that both while you're reading and afterwards you just can't out of your head. I think it's because I found the whole situation kind of disturbing and it was really hard to read at times. I was actually very surprised by how hard it hit me. It was a strong story that represents very real things that have actually happened. Things that need to be talked about more in society today.
Sara Barnard is one of very few authors who have been able to really real me in and make me think. And, I don't just mean a thought here and there while reading. I mean really, while I was reading this book it was all I could think about. So this is definitely not a light read; the plot contains some serious situations and analyses them in a very real, very honest way. I honestly think it will stay with me for a while.
'When I was wild, you were steady... now you are wild - what am I?'

I feel as though we don't often consider the whole weight of a situation and the fact that this book brought that into the light and recognises that everyone sees things from a different perspective made this a ground-breaking read for me. You don't need to have been through a situation like this to relate to it, because there are meanings behind the plot that can be interpreted in so many ways. It also brought to light something I thought was really great and that was; if you know something about someone or something that could be bad or potentially harmful, and it doesn't personally affect you, that doesn't mean you shouldn't say something or think of it as the serious situation that it is.
The writing as well was excellent and seemed to flow so well making this an extremely quick read. I feel as though the main area that this book lacked in for me personally was the character development. I just don't feel like the main protagonist was explored enough, but maybe thats because it is a pretty short book. I just would have liked more. But what we did get was great and very well done.
'I don’t think you can ever really start over. Because if you’re trying to do that, you’re basically trying to run away from yourself. And you can’t. You’re stuck with you, forever. Wherever you go.'
I also enjoyed that the book went in a different direction that I feel many other contemporaries do. As the book follows Eden, whom is 'the best friend' and dissects her position in what is happening and not the actual girl whom is at the centre of the situation like most books. It was odd but I really liked it. This made the whole style in which the book is written is also very different to what I expected first going into the book. The choice the author made when deciding to write the story this way is strange and intriguing and it made the book even better in my opinion. Because basically anyone could be a 'best friend', a person watching something happen or being affected by another persons choices. The main message I took from the book is that sometimes you have to do something that is right morally but that is a difficult choice to make where your feelings are concerned.
'Everything I've ever lost has been chosen for me. I never had a say. And she's chosen to throw it all away, like it's nothing.'
Overall I think the thing I liked most about this book was that it was different from all the usual tropes and things we see in young adult literature. In other words; praise to Sara Barnard for creating this wonderful book, and a plot that develops in such unique and diverse ways. I highly recommend reading this!
Thank you to MyKindaBook and Pan Macmillan for sending me an early proof of this wonderful book!
RATING: 4 Stars