Review | Life Happens by Caroline Reber

Title: Life Happens
Author: Caroline Reber
Published January 10th 2017 by Quill
Genre(s): Adult, Contemporary
Life Happens was a captivating and eye opening story that I couldn't put down. Caroline Reber dealt with some sensitive subjects and created an emotional ride of a read. It's one of those books that everyone should read because the subjects it deals with are so important to be spoke about more often and it really makes you think.
The plot follows two friends who are both dealing terrible things and on a journey to confront their pasts, and on the way they acquire life-changing insight and new perspectives.
"Life happened; it had hit me with all its beauty and sorrows, and I wasn't prepared. But then again, are we ever?"
I had a little problem getting into the story at the beginning as I found it quite slow but I soon got used to the pacing and the way it was written and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. The relationships and friendships are so well done and extremely realistic which made it really easy to connect with the characters. The story was very character driven and there wasn't much in the way of world building but I think it worked that the focus was the characters and think that it was really well done.
"One thing was certain: everything had changed. I was aware that I might not live forever, but right then in that very moment, I was alive."
This book was so empowering and I feel like I really got a lot from reading it. I would highly recommend that anyone who can picks it up, it is really worth the read and I feel like everyone who reads it will get something different from it. Well done to Caroline Reber for the amazing debut!
Thank you to Caroline Reber for sending me a copy via Goodreads Giveaway.
4/5 Stars.