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Review | Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu

Title: Moxie

Author: Jennifer Mathieu

Genre/s: Young Adult, Contemporary

Published September 21st 2017 by Hodder Children's Books

OH MY GOD! I was not expecting all the amazingness that this book contains. Multiple times I found myself shouting at the pages and getting way too involved. But damn was this an amazing idea for a book. This is one of those books that everyone has to read. HAS TO! It really delves into so many things that aren't addressed enough and I found myself really connecting with the girls in this novel.

“it occurs to me that this is what it means to be a feminist. Not a humanist or an equalist or whatever. But a feminist. It’s not a bad word. After today it might be my favorite word. Because really all it is is girls supporting each other and wanting to be treated like human beings in a world that’s always finding ways to tell them they’re not.”

If you don't know already, this book follows Vivian Carter a high school girl who has had enough of the sexiest behaviour and constant harassment that goes on towards the girls at her school. So she decides to take things into her own hands, getting inspiration from her mum's Riot Grrrl past she creates a feminist zine that she distributes anonymously to her classmates.

“It said girls are a revolutionary soul force that can change the world for real.”

It was amazing to see a love interest that was supportive and a genuinely good guy. It's funny how you don't really see that a lot, and it was very refreshing to read. The romance definitely took a back seat to everything else and that was incredible because all of the other stuff really needed to be the focus of the plot. Also the plot really progressed well, the excitement was well spread out and there really wasn't any moments that I got bored. It was super engaging.

Well done to the author for really going for it and not shying away from anything. I was expecting this to be one of those books that is so over-hyped, because the synopsis seriously sounded way too good to be true. But, I adored everything about the way this was done. As much as it pains me to say this; it was astoundingly realistic and I feel like this book could really help so many girls out there. I even did the fist in the air thing a couple of times. Honestly, I can't even imagine what everyone in my house thought of me while I was reading this. Scratch that, I don't want to know. This book is seriously so empowering! If you could just see my grin, as I am thinking over everything and writing this review.

" suddenly hits me that Moxie isn't all about me. And it's certainly not about my mom. It belongs to all the girls..."

I highly recommend this to everyone I know!


5 Stars


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