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Review | No Big Deal by Bethany Rutter

No Big Deal by Bethany Rutter

Release Date: 8th August 2019

Published by: Macmillan

Genre/s: Contemporary, Young Adult

'It's not my body that's holding me back. I think it's more of a problem that people tell me my body should hold me back.'

No Big Deal follows Emily; a fun loving, intelligent and hilarious seventeen-year old, who also happens to be fat. Emily doesn't have a problem with herself or her body, but although she likes herself for who she is, she faces things that she shouldn't have to face. We follow her story, through doubts, and the increasing pressure of society, and learning how important it is to stay strong and not change for anyone.

This book is heartwarming and funny but also deep and delves into some of the things fat girls have to put up with, even though we shouldn't. As a bigger girl myself I'm always looking for positive representation that doesn't shy away from truth and the darker times. Bethany Rutter really delves into this book head on and provides such a positive message that is so important. Society today needs so much more of this.

'To realise that I can stand up for things I think are important, even when it means disagreeing with a really, really cute guy - and I don't have to panic when it happens.'

Even though Emily is seventeen, as a twenty-two year old I still connected so much to her character. Loving yourself and staying strong are messages that everyone should carry no matter their age. But I also connected to her because it made me think back to when I was her age and the struggles I was going through just a few years ago. And the fact that I'm here today living my happiest life and loving myself and my body for what it is. I honestly think so many young people will get so much from this book.

‘I am going to tell you this now, without any hesitation, and even though we have different bodies and different problems, I know this is true: never settle.’ She shakes me a bit more. ‘Do not allow into your world someone who thinks you’re second best, who thinks your body is a temporary “problem” that you’re going to solve, who puts you down in any way.’

The plot was much more unique that I thought it was going to be, it still has that YA contemporary feel while also giving it a fresh twist. It was both heart-wrenching and heart-warming at the same time and I found myself constantly cheering the main character on. And the support that the main character gets from her friends is just on another level and had me in tears a couple of times. It was empowering and beautiful.

The only aspects that fell a little short for me were that the ending felt abrupt, and a couple of scenes between the protagonist and the love interest felt slightly rushed. But I also liked the fact that this was a fast paced read, and that we just got a snippet into Emily's life. But I also want more lol.

Overall I loved the positive messages and underlying themes of this book. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good young adult contemporary, but also to those of us looking for more fat girl rep because this is excellent!

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Thank you so much to Macmillan for reaching out to me and providing me with a review copy!


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