Review | Our Chemical Hearts by krystal Sutherland

Title: Our Chemical Hearts
Author: Krystal Sutherland
Genre/s: Young Adult, Contemporary
Published on 4th Oct 2016 by Hot Key Books
I had such a strange experience reading this book. There were times that I absolutely loved it but at times Grace annoyed the hell out of me. I really felt so sorry for her character and wanted to like her more that I did. But she was kind of just stringing Henry along for the entire book which made me bloody annoyed with her. I adored the protagonist Henry, and also his friends and family; they were really different and funny but also very realistic. I even liked Grace some of the time but I can't get over some stuff that
I think this might be one of the saddest books I've ever read and I am a little bit in shock at how heartbroken it made me feel. I don't think I've ever read a book that has really struck me like this one has. It was so deep and a very shockingly emotional read which is what I've been looking for lately, but oh my god was this very very very deep. It has a lot going for it but it was just short of something that I can't seem put my finger on.
“Love doesn't need to last a lifetime for it to be real. You can't judge the quality of a love by the length of time it lasts. Everything dies, love included. Sometimes it dies with a person, sometimes it dies on its own. The greatest love story ever told doesn't have to be about two people who spent their whole lives together. It might be about a love that lasted two weeks or two months or two years, but burned brighter and hotter and more brilliantly than any other love before or after. Don't mourn a failed love; there is no such thing. All love is equal in the brain.”
I did enjoy it because of how the author was able to pull me in and make me really emotionally invested in the characters. That said I felt a lot was lacking plot wise because it did feel jumpy at times and didn't flow in a way that I think it should have done. Not much really happened throughout and that made the plot a little lacklustre however at points I enjoyed the way this was done. Apart from the pace increasing toward the end it was pretty slow. But I still feel like we didn't see enough of Henry and Grace together to really understand their relationship together and also separately as individuals. Which overall made it feel rushed. It was like there was something missing that kept me from really falling in love with the story and characters and I'm not sure what. The writing was definitely beautiful and the author was able to string together amazing lines while also including dry humour that made me giggle while reading.
“The best thing the universe ever gave us is that we'll all be forgotten. [...] I kinda like the idea. That when we die, despite any pain or fear or embarrassment we experienced during our lives, despite any heartbreak or grief, we get to be dispersed back into nothingness. It makes me feel brave, knowing I'll get a blank slate at the end."
I'm really torn on what my feelings are on this one but the plot was different and the characters were very original compared to other YA contemporaries I have read. However I did have several problems with it so I have decided on 4 stars. I would recommend it and can say it is worth the read. But prepare for plenty of emotions to be brought to the surface.
4 Stars.