Hi guys! I know it's been a while since my last post but, I decided to take a short hiatus and work on upcoming content. I thought it best to take a step back here to get on top of other things since I've been really busy lately. There is honestly not enough time in a day to split between everything I've been wanting to do but I think I've finally worked out a schedule that will work for me. So I'll be posting much more often! YAY!
Anyway into what you've probably clicked on this post for... MY READING RUSH 2019 TBR!
This is a little delayed, since today is the first day of the readathon, but better late than never. If you're not familiar with the Reading Rush you may or may not have heard of its former name: BookTubeAThon! With a new revamp, the readathon hosted by the wonderful Ariel Bisset and Raeleen Lemay, has a brand new website and look. This years dates are from the 22nd-28th July! This is my first time taking part in the readathon but I'm super excited to be joining in!
Add me as a friend on the Reading Rush website!
Here are the books I'm hoping to read!
1. Read an author's debut
Tithe by Holly Black
2. Read a book with five or more words in the title
I'm pretty up in the air about this one but I have three that I'm really interested in reading that could work for this prompt.
- With The Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo
- Let's Call It a Doomsday by Katie Henry
- The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. harrow
3. Read a book with a non-human main character
The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg
4. Read a book in the same spot
This will probably be my first challenge that I complete since I'm planning to read Saga: Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples, when the readathon starts at midnight on the 22nd (P.S. I've already done this, but wrote this post a couple of days ago!)
5. Read a book you meant to read in 2018
This could honestly count for like a hundred books on my tbr. But I thought I'd go for a book that I already started but kind of want to re-read and finally finish. And that is: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan.
6. Read a book with purple on the cover
Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey
7. Read a book and watch the adaption
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
And that's it! Even though some of the books I've chosen could work for more than one of these prompts the bonus challenge is to read seven books so I'm going to try my best to finish seven and complete the bonus challenge.
If you're taking part, what books are you planning to read?
Thanks for reading!
