Review | Renegades by Marissa Meyer

Title: Renegades
Author: Marissa Meyer
Genre/s: This book is Young Adult, and includes a variety of dystopian, sci-fi, and fantasy aspects.
UK Publication: April 5th 2018 by Macmillan Children's Books
US Publication: Published November 16th 2017 by Macmillan Children's Books
This book was full of interesting characters with so many diverse aspects. From the powers in which the prodigies have to their individual characteristics and development, I was never left needing more. However towards the start I felt that there was a lot of information dumping and that severely impacted my enjoyment of the book overall as it really took a lot of time for me to become interested in what was happening.
The book follows Nova, and Adrian two people on supposed opposite sides. Nova also known as Nightmare is a part of the Anarchists one of the villainous gangs and Adrian known as Sketch is a part of the supposed 'heroes' the Renegades. Nova decides to infiltrate the renegades in hopes to spy and find out information that will help the anarchists get revenge on the renegades. Nova does this as she has a personal agenda to avenge her parents and sister whom were killed by another villain gang when she was a child and were not saved by the renegades who were supposed to be protecting them. When Nova meets Adrian she begins to realise that everything isn't as one dimensional as she first thought.
“It's a terrible shame he's a Renegade, isn't it? Otherwise, you could have asked him to stay for dinner.”
Although, the way the author put together such an intricate world and developed such unique ideas was incredible, so eventually when I adjusted to the very different writing style I was then able to fully enjoy and appreciate how truly wonderful this book was. I realise that this is just the beginning of a series so this book had to introduce a lot of things and we had to be made aware of a lot of things in order to fully understand the concept. However I also think that it was pretty hard to grasp and could have been done in a much more subtle way. I did find the humour to be very quirky and enjoyable though, as I found myself giggling at quite a few things.
The plot overall was very action packed however the parts where it did slow off seemed to feel really unbelievably slow. So much so that I found myself losing interest quite often. But I feel like this was just because of the writing and how I just somehow didn’t click with it. I think I’ll have to give another one of Marissa Meyer’s books a go to see whether it was just the style or whether it was the story. I also found the plot twists to be kind of anticlimactic as I continued throughout the book, to be able to predict what was going to happen. There were a lot of hints that I think were meant to be subtle but they were really obvious and off putting. But I do intend to pick up more of the author’s books if only just to have a chance to be emerged once again in her very imaginative creations, as the idea behind this was amazing and if her other books are just as good then they are still worth the read in my opinion.
“We both know the world would be better off without heroes. Without villains. Without any of us, getting in the way of normal, happy people and their normal, happy lives.”
As a whole I did find it rather enjoyable and do intend to continue with the series and would recommend picking it up. However if you’re not a fan of superhero related things then I would steer clear, because those aspects of the book are also very important to the plot and characters. I’m going to rate it 3.5 stars for now but I’m still not a hundred percent sure of the rating.
I would like to say thank you to the Macmillan, Marissa Meyer and to Netgalley for providing an arc to read and review.
RATING: 3.5 Stars