September TBR | 2018

Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a lovely day! Today I'm going to be going over my tbr plans for September. To start off I'm hoping to finish 'What The Flower Says of Death' by Danielle Kost either today or tomorrow and possibly then carry on with 'These Rebel Waves' by Sara Raasch. But after those there are so many books I'm really excited to get to that I'm hoping I'll be able to read this month! Here they are:
The physical ARCS I need to get to are:
- Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand
- Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
- After Zero by Christina Collins
- Beneath The Citadel by Destiny Soria
September releases:
- Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer
- Wildcard by Marie Lu
And the already released books:
- To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
- The Way I Used To Be by Amber Smith
- Shadowsong by S. Jae-Jones
- Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes (I picked this up a while a go, but I'm hoping to return to it and give it another chance this month)
- Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight (I'm hoping to re-read at least these two but I really want to re-read most of the series in the hopes of recapping before Kingdom of Ash comes out in October. It's my most anticipated book of the year and I cannot wait to see how my favourite series ends!)
So that's about it! I hope you enjoyed this little post! Let me know what books you're hoping to read this month in the comments below. And if you've read any of the books I'm planning to read I would love to know your thoughts, just no spoilers please!
Thank you so much for reading!
- Sophie Elaina