Review | The Fill-in Boyfriend by Kasie West

Title: The Fill-in Boyfriend
Author: Kasie West
Published by HarperTeen on May 5th 2015
Genre(s): Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
The Fill-in Boyfriend is a lighthearted young adult contemporary that has just the right amount of romance. The book follows protagonist Gia Montgomery. Gia gets dumped on the night of prom in the parking lot and enlists a guy waiting to pick up his sister into pretending to be her boyfriend for the night so her friends don't think that she made him up.
“I never wanted anyone to have this much power over my emotions again. It was safer to keep to myself, to keep things on the surface. Things ended better that way.”
I actually really enjoyed this book, I found it a very refreshing read after reading a lot of complex fantasy books lately. If your looking for a complex plot and characters your probably not going to be into this but I thought it was a great guilty pleasure read.
“we rarely find the depth by looking inside of ourselves for it. depth is found in what we can learn from the people and things around us”
I feel like the characters are really realistic and I enjoyed the budding friendship between Bec and Gia. Hayden (Fill-in Bradley) and Gia's relationship was also interesting and I enjoyed seeing it grow throughout the course of the book. I loved Hayden's family, I thought they were great and a brilliant contrast to Gia's family and life. There are some really cute and funny moments that I couldn't help but laugh at and the plot was always moving which meant I really had trouble putting it down. In fact I probably could have read it in one sitting if I hadn't made myself take a break. The story is mostly character driven and their isn't much world building but I don't think that it really needed it.
Overall I thought it was a great fluffy contemporary and would definitely recommend it. I'm looking forward to picking up more of Kasie West's books.
4/5 Stars