Review | The Queen's Rising by Rebecca Ross

Title: The Queen's Rising
Author: Rebecca Ross
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy.
Published by Harper Collins in March of 2018.
Rebecca Ross, the author of The Queen's Rising walked me through a magical journey. I got lost in the beautiful writing, so much so that it actually felt like I was there, living this story alongside the main character Brienna.
Might this be my favourite book I've read so far this year? Why yes, yes I think it might. I wasn't anticipating greatness, and that's kind of funny because I never seem to be when I come across rare gems like this one. Brienna is a protagonist that I warmed to almost immediately. I'm not sure what it is, but there are stories that just do it for me, and this is one of them. Alongside the likes of Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo, the author of The Queen's Rising created something special here and I will treasure it. It's empowering, beautiful and the pacing was perfect.
“I cannot tell you what to decide, what is best," he stated. "That is for your heart to choose, Brienna. But I will say this: no matter which path you choose, I will follow you, even unto darkness.”
Brienna, a young girl born out of wedlock is cast off by her noble family and sent to Magnolia House. A very competitive boarding house where students study the passions; art, music, dramatics, wit and knowledge. And so Brienna is sent on a path to discover which passion is the one for her and train hard to perfect her skill in hopes to one day graduate and be chosen by a wealthy patron. Close to her graduation her tutor; Cartier, begins to think Brienna is hiding something and can't seem to work out what. But Brienna chooses not to reveal to anyone that she is in fact experiencing flashbacks of memory from her ancestors past. Memories that may mean something both dangerous and wondrous and affect things on a much grander scale than she could ever have imagined.
“...Vengeance doesn't taste quite how you imagine it will... It leaves a mark.”
I'm not sure whether there is going to be a sequel but I am praying for it because I need more from my babies. I adored almost all the characters even those you're not supposed to like. I think it's because the development was done excellently. There was so much progression that by the end of reading this book it felt like I'd finished a series that I'd been following for years. I got that attached to the story. Each character felt so real, because there was so much substance behind them. This book is full of political intrigue and twists and turns that'll have you jumping up and down in your seat.
“There are many secret doors around us, in plain sight. We just don't take the time to find and open them.”
The book starts off with a flashback, which usually irks me with fantasy novels because I feel like we need to get to know the characters first before getting a back story since it's kind of hard to take in information if you don't know whom your reading about. But the prologue was written so unbelievably well that I actually really enjoyed it.
There are wonderful sister relationships between Brienna and the other girls studying their passions at Magnolia House, and I adored seeing the supportive and loving side of those relationships, it was honestly a breath of fresh air. I even loved the romantic relationship in here, at first I was somewhat sceptical since it seemed a little awkward as I first imagined that there was a significant age gap between the two characters, and I do think the author should of made it more clear at the beginning that they are much closer in age. However the more the book progressed the more I enjoyed seeing the relationship grow and develop.
“But perhaps that made me want it even more, to prove that passion was not just inherently gifted as some people believed, but that passion could be earned by anyone, a commoner or noble, even if they did not have intrinsic skill.”
Even though a lot of the book is very character driven, the plot was also so so well done. So I would recommend it to you whether you prefer character or plot driven stories as this was wonderful all around. I really hope if you decide to pick up this wonderful book that you'll enjoy it as much as I did. I can't wait to read more from Rebecca Ross in the future!
*Thank you so much to Harper Collins UK for sending me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
Thank you for reading! I'll be back soon with more reviews and bookish posts.
- Sophie