Review | The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord

Title: The Start of Me and You
Author: Emery Lord
Published June 29th 2017 by Bloomsbury Children's Books
Genre/s: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Well this book was wonderful!! I loved every single second apart from the end, mainly because I didn't want it to be the end. I feel like I needed so much more. I really need a sequel, it would be absolute perfection.
The book follows Paige, a girl who has been shutting out the world for the past two years due to a horrible incident that she just can't get over. However she decides that it's time to tackle life once again and give the whole high school thing a second chance.
“In friendship we are all debtors. We all owe each other for a thousand small kindnesses, for little moments of grace in the chaos.”
I feel like that's all you need going into this book as it's one of those that really is better the less information you know. But maybe thats because I tend to enjoy going into books blind. So just take my word for it and give it a go. I feel like if you're someone who enjoys a contemporary with a bit more of a darker side, but also has a kinda cute side, this is the perfect book for you.
“Knowing what happens is different from knowing how it happens. And the getting there is the best part.”
One thing that I really enjoyed about it was the way post-dramatic stress disorder was handled. Often throughout this book the main character struggles to tackle PTSD and it is one of the most wonderfully, realistic accounts I have ever read in a book. I loved that things weren't just brushed over and they were thoroughly developed. It made Paige feel such a realistic character. Which then led to me developing an attachment to her which was mainly from being able to understand her choices and the direction in which the author took the story. I very much enjoyed the whole plot and overall feel of the book. There were however a couple of predictable twists that as a whole brought the rating down a little.
“Nothing, not even sadness could be greater than the sum of us.”
At the beginning it took me a while to get used to the writing, which means I didn't really connect with the characters right off the bat. But I stuck with it and I am very happy that I did because I eventually became so attached to this group of characters, especially Paige and I couldn't stop reading even for a second. I wanted to slow down and pace myself but it was like the pages were turning themselves; I had no control.
I also enjoyed the format of the emails toward the end, I feel like it was an interesting direction to take but it did feel a little half hazard. Which I wouldn't have minded if we got a snippet of what came afterwards. However it ended so abruptly and felt rather anti-climatic in my opinion. Even though I did feel that way towards the end the rest of the book made me glad that I decided to read the book and would absolutely say it's worth picking up. 4.25 Stars
Thanks for reading!