My Top 10 Favourite Book Releases of 2017

So before I start, I would just like to say that I haven't had the chance to read all the new releases I wanted to, but the the books I have chosen are from the ones that I was able to get to. If I've missed your favourite new release, I probably haven't got to it yet, but I would love it if you could let me know what your favourites are in the comments below!
It was so hard to narrow it down because I've read plenty of amazing new releases this year. But I did it and here are the books that I have chosen:
10. Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu
I adored this book and I was very surprised by how much it stuck with me. I feel like this is one of those super empowering reads that is heartbreakingly realistic and that everyone should read. (Full Review)
9. Letters To The Lost by Brigid Kemmerer
Letters To The Lost was the first contemporary novel that I read this year and it still pops into my head all the time. For some reason I connected so much with these characters on an emotional level and I can only put it down to the fantastic writing. I went into it thinking it was probably going to be like many other books I had read in the past and I was kind of surprised by how much I loved it. (Full Review)
8. If There's No Tomorrow by Jennifer L. Armentrout
This is the most recent book I've read on this list and it was such a heartbreakingly beautiful story that I just had to include on this list. It was a simple idea but the execution and writing made the book overall so wonderful. (Full Review)
7. The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertali
Becky Abertali is one of those author's that can make a book so realistic. She doesn't shy away from certain words, lines or subject matters. She just goes there and in the case of The Upside of Unrequited it worked so well. It's bold, it's real and it's fabulous! (Full Review)
6. Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
Eliza is one of those stories that again would seem like a simple premise but as you're reading it, it feels like some sort of magic is being washed over you. Francesca Zappia created a striking story that really stuck with me and I will always treasure this book. (Full Review)
5. A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard
First of all I was intrigued as soon as I read the blurb of this book and I had high hopes because I'd heard so many great things about it. Also the fact that I was so hyped for it and that it actually ended up living up to all my expectations is remarkable. I remember finishing this book and feeling so devastated when I got to the end because I didn't want to leave this story or the characters behind. (Full review)
4. Caraval by Stephanie Garber
The controversy around this book puzzles me to no end. I've read reviews from people who adored it as much as I did but I've also read reviews from others that hated it with there very core. I don't really understand how anyone could hate this book, but I think that it's just one of those stories that not everyone connects with. But even with all that considered I still loved the writing style so much. I found it beautiful and striking. I lived for the whimsy and fairytale mood that came to life before me. I adored everything about it. (Full Review)
3. A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab
The first book in this series wasn't the best in my opinion and I thought it was lacking in many areas, but the sequels; A Gathering of Shadows and A Conjuring of Light are now a couple of my favourite books of all time. I don't know how V.E. Schwab was able to create such a masterpiece. I was stunned by how amazing this book was.
2. A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
If you know me, you know that I love the second book in this series: A Court of Mist and Fury so very much. This book didn't quite reach that level of amazingness for me but; in my opinion it was still by far on a completely different level to a lot of other books I have read. (Full Review)
1. Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas
I was blown away by Tower of Dawn and before picking it up I was so cautious of it and thought it would't really be my cup of tea as apposed to the rest of the series. But the fact that this book turned out to be such a large instalment in the series was fantastic. It was amazing to see what Chaol, Nesryn and Yrene had been up to during the events of Empire of Storms and I did not expect the plot to be so epic. I personally think this might be Sarah J. Maas's best and most well written work to date. If you've been holding off on this one and hoping to skip it and go straight to the last instalment when it's released I would highly recommend you don't; you would definitely be missing out. (Full Review)
Thank you so much for reading!! I really hope you enjoyed this. I'd love to know if you've read any of these books and what you thought!
- Sophie
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