2017 | November Wrap-Up

Since I've only managed to actually finish one book this November I've decided to talk about some of my other November favourites and some of the amazing stuff that happened.
To start off, the book that I did manage to read was Renegades by Marissa Meyer, you can check out my full review here: https://www.sophieelaina.com/single-post/renegades-marissa-meyer
A lot of my focus this month has been on writing my first draft of my first ever novel. I am so excited about it and have had ideas for a while but am finally getting it written down. I can tell it's going to be a very long process but I'm still so happy about it. Since a lot of people have been taking part in nanowrimo, it gave me incentive to try and write as much as I could. I didn't officially take part and got no where close to 50,000 words but I'm still proud of myself for how much I have written.
I also actually got the chance to attend Sarah J. Maas' U.K tour this month too. I went to her Manchester event and got to see Charlie Bowater as well which was absolutely incredible since she is a great inspiration for me as someone who loves to draw and create art. But it was really the most amazing thing to get to see my favourite author talk in person and is something I will always treasure. I sadly didn't win the raffle and get a meet and great but the whole experience was special enough for me that I didn't really mind. But it was really cool that some people got that chance.
I finished my Buffy rewatch and jumped on the Stranger Things train and became obsessed. I actually managed to watch all of season 1 and 2, I mean who needs sleep? But honestly, it was really great and I was pleasantly surprised because I wasn't sure it would be something I would enjoy to start with. But I really did and I would highly recommend watching it!
Well thats about it, short and sweet I guess. But I'll be back soon with another post! & HAPPY 1ST OF DECEMBER! It's time to crack out those Christmas movies!
Thanks for reading!
- Sophie
#2017 #november #wrapup #wrapup #bookrecommendations #wellknownbooks #popularbooksIhaventread #reading #tvshows #strangerthings #reader #tv #towerofdawn #sarahjmaas #sarahjmaas #sjmaas #charliebowater #thestartofmeandyou #throneofglass #acotar #acourtofmistandfury #acomaf #acourtofthornesandroses #buffy #buffythevampireslayer #writing #novel #renegades #marissameyer