Top 10 Autumn Reads!

It's finally autumn and I've read quite a few books recently that I think are perfect to read at this time of year. I was going to choose five like I did with my summer recommendations but there were just too many to choose from this time. I love autumn. When the leaves start to change colour, halloween which I am super excited for this year, and most of all the fact that we are getting closer to winter which is my favourite season.
I seem to be swaying towards fantasy at the moment and they just seem like the best books to read in autumn and winter so many of these recommendations are from the fantasy genre. However I've picked a couple of books from other genres too for those of you who aren't into fantasy as much as I am. I feel like the contemporaries I've picked are definitely more on the darker side with quite a lot of depth which is kind of strange but, I just feel like they are what fits best with this season.
These books are just a few that give me that autumnal feel and that I would like to recommend as the perfect reads to be consumed this autumn. All the books I have chosen, I gave at least 4 stars or higher, I'll include my exact ratings below and links to some of my reviews. They aren't in any particular order because it would be way too hard to pick and choose between so many great books. All I can say is that I highly recommend all of these.
10) A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (A Darker Shade of Magic: 4 Stars, A Gathering of Shadows and A conjuring of Light: 5 Stars.) Review
9) The Queen of the Tearling by Erica Johansen (The Queen of the Tearling: 5 Stars, Invasion of the Tearling 4.5 Stars, and Fate of the Tearling: 5 Stars.)
8) Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor (Daughter of Smoke and Bone: 5 Stars, Days of Blood and Starlight: 4.25 Stars, and Dreams of Gods and Monsters: 5 Stars.) Review
7) City of Circles by Jess Richards (5 Stars.) Review
6) Hopeless by Coleen Hoover (4.25 Stars)
5) Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall (5 Stars.) Review
4) The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout (5 Stars.)
3) The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson (The Kiss of Deception: 4 Stars, The Heart of Betrayel: 4.25 Stars and I am currently reading The Beauty of Darkness and I don't know what I will rate it yet but I can say that it is my favourite so far.)
2) The Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas (So far I have given all books 5 Stars.) The Assassin's Blade Review
1) The Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo ( I would suggest starting with the Grisha trilogy first if you haven't read those yet though, as they are also amazing and include characters you will eventually encounter again in the duology. I have given them all 5 Stars.) Six of Crows Review Crooked Kingdom Review
I would love to hear about all the books that give you that autumn feeling, so let me know in the comments what you would recommend! :)
Thank you for reading!!
- Sophie
UPDATE: 7th Oct - I would just like to mention An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson as another perfect book to read in Autumn as I have just finished this book and think it fits the perfect fall aesthetic even more so than the books that I have already mentioned. So I would highly recommend you pick up this wonderful book. I'll have a full review go up soon so make sure you're subscribed to my newsletter to be sure not to miss it.