Nov 18, 2018
Books I'm Currently Reading | November 2018
Hey guys! I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately, but I just didn't feel inspired to write or create anything on here for a while an

Oct 14, 2018
🦇👻 Spookathon 2018 TBR! 👻🦇
Hey guys! I hope you're all doing well! Today I'm going to be going through the books I have on my spookathon tbr for 2018. If you&#

Oct 8, 2017
Review | An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson
An Enchantment of Ravens is possibly one of the most beautifully written books that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I can't get

Oct 3, 2017
Top 10 Autumn Reads!
It's finally autumn and I've read quite a few books recently that I think are perfect to read at this time of year.