Books I'm Currently Reading | November 2018

Hey guys! I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately, but I just didn't feel inspired to write or create anything on here for a while and I wanted to take a little time off and focus on other things. However I finally feel like creating posts again and I can't wait to get back into the groove. Anyway enough rambling, here is a quick update of the books I'm reading this month.
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater - I gave this a try probably about two years ago now but ended up putting it down because I wasn't in the right mind set for it. But I think I'm finally ready to pick it up again and see what I think. I'm very interested to see what my thoughts are since so many people have so much love for this series. Hopefully it'll be my new obsession.
Down Among The Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire - This is my current audiobook. I really enjoyed Every Heart a Doorway and so far this is just as twisty and eery. I love McGuires writing so much. When I'm listening to this it takes me completely away from this world, and what better compliment is there for a series about portal fantasy.
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban - I'm trying to slowly but surely make my way through the series because believe it or not I've never read it. I've watched the movies so many times that the story is permanently ingrained in my mind but I've never read it. It's been just over a year since reading The Chamber of Secrets so I think I better get to book three before the end of 2018.
The Poppy War - I'm not very far into this and so far it's a little slow but I'm interested to see where it goes.
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff - I started this last month and I'm only a couple of chapters in but I'm loving how dark it is. I'm really enthralled and intrigued to see what happens next.
The Lost Sisters by Holly Black - This is the novella that was recently released that is supposed to be read in-between The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King, so I think I'll pick this up in preparation for the latter releasing at the beginning of next year.
That's it! I'm not sure what else I'll be in the mood to read this month and who knows I might want to carry on with one of the series that I'm in the middle of. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this little update. I'd love to know what books you're currently reading or planning to read before the end of the year, so do leave a comment below!
Thanks for reading!
- Sophie Elaina