January-March 2019 | Quarterly TBR

This year I've decided to change up the way I do my TBR lists. In the past I've not had the best success rates using them, and I think that is majorly because of the fact I am very much a mood reader. I just tend to lean towards a certain book, when I'm feeling a certain way and I think having less limitations when it comes to my TBR's is going to help me out in the long run. So instead of doing a TBR per month I'm going to do them quarterly.
On average I tend to read 12 books a month. So I've decided to choose 12 books each quarter, that way I'm not being too overly ambitious and still have a lot of freedom over what I read. I'm splitting it into two parts because the first six are going to be off of my physical TBR list. Which are books I owned prior to 2019. Last year I read a lot of new releases but this year my focus is going to be on reading more of those backlist titles as well. And part two will be the other six books and with those I'm not limiting myself, they can be whatever I choose, whether they be new releases, books I've bought in 2019, arcs or more backlist titles.
Jan-March 2019 TBR:
Part 1:
1. A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin - I've owned this for years and really want to read at least the first book before the final season of the tv show begins this April.
2. City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare - I started this last year but haven't got around to continuing yet and a goal I have this year is to finally catch up with all of Cassandra Clare's books. That might be rather ambitious considering how many books she has out in the Shadowhunter Chronicles so far but if I don't get on top of them soon it'll be highly improbable that I will ever get there.
3. Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor - I am dying to find out where this story goes, and I really don't want to leave it too long in-between reading the first and second books because I'd really like what happened in Strange the Dreamer to be fresh in my mind.
4. Scythe by Neil Shusterman - This is a book I've had on my shelves since it was released and I was so excited for it when I heard about the premise but haven't had the time to invest into it. So now I'm making it a mission to finally pick it up.
5. Nevernight by Jay Kristoff - I started this a little while ago but had to put it down to read an arc I wanted to review but I would like to get through the first two books in this series in preparation for the finale Darkdawn, which is due to be published in September.
6. The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang - I've hear nothing but amazing things about this book so fingers crossed I love it!
Part 2:
7. Slayer by Kiersten White - Do I even need an explanation for including this on my tbr? I hear Buffyverse and I am there.
8. Enchantée by Gita Trelease - I have an arc of this and am so intrigued by the concept! It seems like a wonderful fantastical ride that I need to feast my eyes upon.
9. The Girl King by Mimi Yu - I've been waiting and now it's here and I am hyped!
10. King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo - Is it even a surprise that this is here? Anything Leigh Bardugo is my weakness! I will most likely be starting this book the second I get my hands on it.
11. The Wicked King by Holly Black - I've been waiting for this for what seems like forever! (I've already started reading this as I'm writing this post, so I've no doubt I'll finish it this January.)
12. Tangled Like Us by Becca and Krista Ritchie - The second this got pushed back I was devastated! So am extremely excited to finally get my hands on this. I cannot wait to jump on the Thatcher and Jane train!
And that's all the books! I'm extremely excited to pick all of these up and am really happy with this new way I'm doing my tbr's.
Do you have a certain way you like to do your tbr's? What books have you got on your current tbr? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for reading!
