Jan 23, 2019
Review | The Antidote by Shelley Sackier
I feel as though I've been in a really odd dream after finishing this and I've never had quite the experience like it. I breezed thr

Jan 18, 2019
January-March 2019 | Quarterly TBR
This year I've decided to change up the way I do my TBR lists. In the past I've not had the best success rates using them, and I thi

Jan 16, 2019
Review | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
A Curse So Dark And Lonely is a reimagining of the classic Beauty and the Beast with much darker themes. In this novel the 'beast' i

Jan 12, 2019
Review | The Day We Met by Roxie Cooper
The Day We Met follows two characters over a ten year span, as they develop a relationship and we follow them through all the trials of thei

Jul 30, 2018
YALC + LFCC Round Up and Haul! | 2018
I'm a pretty avid convention goer, but up until now I'd never been to London Film and Comic Con (LFCC) or the Young Adult Literature

May 9, 2018
Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake | Book Review
The book follows Mara; one half of Mara and Owen, inseparable twins that have always been close. So when Hannah one of Mara's closest fr