2017 | September Wrap-Up
Hey guys, welcome to my September 2017 wrap up!
I've read so many great books this September and I am so excited to delve into them and let you know how my reading this month went. To start with I just want to mention that I had a lot of my most anticipated releases of the year come out this month and got to read quite a few of them however there are some that I have yet to get to. So if you think I'm missing a new release that you have read this month, most likely I will get to it in the next couple of months. My October TBR will be up soon and I will talk about some of those books and what I am expecting from them in that post.
The first book I finished this month was Breaking the Rules by Katie McGarry and I gave it 4.5 stars. I wasn't expecting much when I first picked it up, but I was pleasantly surprised and ended up really enjoying it. I think it might be my favourite Katie McGarry book that I have read so far.

The next two books I picked up were While it Lasts and Just For Now by Abbi Glines. I gave While it Lasts 4 stars and Just For Now 3.5 stars. I very much enjoyed the first of these two but found Just For Now to be pretty mediocre.
Now for Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas. This was one of those most anticipated releases that I was talking about at the beginning of this post. I was apprehensive at first and wasn't sure what to expect but I ended up absolutely adoring it. If you don't know this is the seventh book that takes place in this world and was supposed to be a short novella but ended up being a fully fledged novel. I started reading it on the release date and instantly fell in love with the new setting of the Southern Continent. Getting to read from both Chaol and Yrene's perspectives again was such a delight. I loved the disabled representation and how it was portrayed and it was such an exciting and heart-wrenching read. I gave it 5 stars.

Then I got to The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I loved this book too and was suprised by the depth of the situations that arise in this book and the magnificent way the characters develop. The writing was wonderful. I gave this one 5 stars too.
Next I picked up Sometimes It Lasts which is a continuation of Cage and Eva's story that begins in While It Lasts. I adored the way these characters developed throughout this book. This is arguably the best Abbi Glines book I have read since Under the Lights and comes in a close second to it. Definitely a new favourite from this author. 4.5 stars.
Dare You To by Katie McGarry was my next read and it was enjoyable but also a lot of things got on my nerves while reading this. I gave it 3 stars.
Then I got to Paper Princess and Broken Prince by Erin Watt. These books were super addictive and the perfect fun read after a book that wasn't the best. I could feel a reading slump creeping up on me at the end of Dare You To and these books quickly snapped me out of it. I gave both 4.5 Stars.

Eliza And Her Monsters was another one of my most anticipated releases of the year and I know its been out a couple of months now but I finally felt like picking it up. I am so glad that I finally did because this ended up being added to my all time favourited shelf. It was absolutely wonderful! 5 REALLY BIG STARS!!!
You Were Mine by Abbi Glines was my next read and I was pretty surprised that I really enjoyed this too. I wasn't expecting much but now I have read it I can say that it was definitely worth the read and would absolutely recommend it if your into Abbi's books. 4 Stars.
Wintersong by S. Jae Jones was one of the weirder books that I picked up this September. I found it rather confusing at first and things happened in it that were really odd in my opinion but I really loved it too. I gave it 4 stars and am so excited to see what happens next in the sequel coming out next year.
Then I read Twisted Palace which is the third book in the Royals series by Erin Watt. Again this was enjoyable and full of teen drama and all those swoon worthy moments. But also I was surprised by the unexpected turns and twists that took place throughout this book. However I didn't enjoy it as much as the first two so I dropped the rating slightly and gave it 4 Stars.
Lastly I picked up The Kiss of Deception and The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson. I am loving this series so far and am currently reading the final which without a doubt is my favourite of the three books and will hopefully finish it soon. But I guess you'll here exactly what I thought of that in next month's wrap up. I gave the first book 4 stars and the second 4.25.
Thats it guys. Fifteen books for the month of September. I think I can safely say I had a fabulous reading month. I hope you all had as good a month as I did. I hope you enjoyed reading and I'll see you next month with another wrap-up and also very soon with my October TBR. I have a few reviews up for these books already. Links to them all are on my Book Reviews Page.
Thank you for reading!!
- Sophie