YALC + LFCC Round Up and Haul! | 2018

I'm a pretty avid convention goer, but up until now I'd never been to London Film and Comic Con (LFCC) or the Young Adult Literature Convention (YALC) that runs alongside it. So this year was my first experience and I have to say it was definitely a little overwhelming. If you've been to a con based on one or two shows before like me, they don't even compare in terms of the scale and sheer amount of people that visit LFCC. Crowds don't usually bother me but it kind of did when I left the YALC section to go get my photo ops in the LFCC side. It wasn't as organised as it probably could have been however I still managed to have a good look around and get the photos I wanted. (Even if the queue situation wasn't the best.) I only went on the Saturday but oh my goodness was I tired by the end of the day. Those of you who do all three days must have superpowers.
Anyway, the YALC section was wonderful and I got to see some of my favourite authors talk in panels, get some early releases and arc copies and a whole lot of samplers of up and coming books I am dying to read! I even walked passed Jason Momoa! (WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MAN!) I sadly didn't get chance to snap a photo because I was too busy gawking, but I will remember it forever.
Book HAUL + Goodies!
I had absolutely no self control and bought a ton of books, The prices were too good to pass on and so many early releases were available to purchase. Here is the damage!

At the beginning of the day we were let in a little early so I headed straight over to queue at the BKMRK stall before they opened because I was desperate to get my hands on the signed limited edition Grisha Trilogy books! Then I went to the Harper stall to pick up some of their beautiful hardcovers:
A Thousand Beginings and Endings
Grey Sister
Sea Witch
I also picked up early copies of:
The Price Guide to The Occult
Giant Days (Signed)
Are We All Lemmings and Snowflakes?
Jinxed (Signed)
And I was lucky enough to get a hold of two of the arc's I was really hoping for:
Sawkill Girls
Izzy + Tristan
And I got a choice of an arc after I purchased a copy of Whichwood by Tahereh Mafi. I chose After Zero, I hadn't heard of it before the con but the premise really appealed to me and I am super excited to read it now. I'd definitely advise checking it out on Goodreads because it sounds great! And lastly I got a hold of the Penguin YALC Yearbook, which has samples from a load of penguin's 2018 releases. I can't wait to go through this!
As for the goodies, I got a load of samplers of books I am hyped about including; The Wicked King, King of Scars, The Devouring Gray, The Girl King and Sisters of the Winter Wood. And I won a limited edition red Hero at the Fall tote bag! Picked up a couple of very beautiful pin badges and I have a load of post cards to put up on my wall!

Photo ops!
I pre ordered a couple of photo ops before the con to make sure I didn't miss out. Those were with Tom Welling, best known for his role as Clark Kent in SMALLVILLE and Paul Wesley Known for his role as Stefan Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries. Both of my photos were at the end of the day so I had luckily had plenty of time to scour the publisher stalls in YALC before heading over for my photos.
I wish I'd been able to get a photo with a few other guests but If I'm being honest, I would no way have been able to get those done in the same day. Plus I was seriously ready for dropping by the time my Paul Wesley photo came around, hence my very tired looking face. I met Paul a few years ago at Insurgence 6 which was held by Rogue Events but I didn't like how my photo turned out so I knew if I ever had the chance to see him again I would. And it actually happened and I am so pleased I stuck out the crazy queue because it was well worth it. Also I have a list of my all time favourite actors that are on my wish list to meet at some point in my life and Tom Welling is probably tied in top place with David Boreanaz (I know, I'm really dreaming there) so I can honestly say that I am mind blown by the fact I got the chance to see him and am a seriously happy person right now. I think I might have to rewatch Smallville again right now.

That's it! I had a great time and am so excited to dive into all the goodies I picked up and read all the wonderful books. I'll have reviews for them up on here as soon as I can, so watch this space!
Did you go to YALC? I'd love to here about your experiences and what books you picked up in the comments below!
Thank you so much for reading! I'll be back with a new post soon!
- Sophie Elaina
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