Mar 12, 2018
Review | Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
...this is a book you should not let pass by. It's beautifully diverse, it's so well developed and even more staggeringly; it'sÂ

Mar 2, 2018
Review | More Than We Can Tell by Brigid Kemmerer
I was thrilled when my request on NetGalley for this book was accepted and I am even more thrilled now that I've read it because this wa

Feb 23, 2018
January Book Haul | 2018
Here are all the books that I accumulated over the course of January: One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake (Barnes and Noble Exclusive...

Feb 21, 2018
Review | Where I Live by Brenda Rufener
This book is a very honest account of girl who is homeless and continues to hide it while attending high school along everyone else her age.

Feb 14, 2018
February TBR | 2018
Hi everyone!! What books have you already read or are you hoping to read this month? I’m hoping to get back into fantasy since I’ve not real

Feb 13, 2018
January Wrap-Up | 2018
Today I’m going to go through all the books I managed to read over the course of January 2018! I know I’ve been lacking when it comes to con

Jan 31, 2018
Hidden Gems In The Fantasy Genre | Top 5 Wednesday
I think it's important to talk about books that don't get enough hype that are just as good, if not better than all the 'popular

Jan 29, 2018
December Book Haul | 2017
(I know this is a bit later than usual but I hope you enjoy reading anyway.) Over the course of December I acquired quite a lot of new books