Feb 14, 2018
February TBR | 2018
Hi everyone!! What books have you already read or are you hoping to read this month? I’m hoping to get back into fantasy since I’ve not real

Feb 13, 2018
January Wrap-Up | 2018
Today I’m going to go through all the books I managed to read over the course of January 2018! I know I’ve been lacking when it comes to con

Jan 31, 2018
Hidden Gems In The Fantasy Genre | Top 5 Wednesday
I think it's important to talk about books that don't get enough hype that are just as good, if not better than all the 'popular

Jan 29, 2018
December Book Haul | 2017
(I know this is a bit later than usual but I hope you enjoy reading anyway.) Over the course of December I acquired quite a lot of new books

Jan 29, 2018
Review | The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
This was so dark and lush. The writing was flowery and full of depth and I very much enjoyed the way Melissa Albert created this very twiste

Jan 26, 2018
Review | Goodbye, Perfect by Sara Barnard
This book was a very thought provoking read and is one of those books that both while you're reading and afterwards you just can't o

Jan 6, 2018
2018 | January TBR
I know this post is a little late and I've already completed one book on this list, but better late than never I guess. Here is my Janua

Jan 4, 2018
All The Books I Read In 2017 - Worst to Best!
2017 is finally over and done, and I'm kind of glad about it. I can't wait to do even more amazing things this year! But I also read